All about road bike shoes

Cycling shoes can be an important part of your performance on the bike. Besides the physical properties of the road bike shoe, the fit is very important when choosing the right cycling shoe. Some fall very wide, others very narrow. With one brand, it is wise to choose a size smaller than you normally [...]

Training schedule for cyclists

training schedule cycling, training, training schedule.

To get serious about training for specific goals, it is good to set up a training schedule for your specific goal. For cyclists, the training schedule has two goals. The first goal is obvious, namely to get in shape for the purpose you are training for. The second goal is [...]

24 things not to forget when cycling alone

1. Your phone We live in the 21st century and it is therefore very convenient to make use of the technical possibilities. A mobile phone can help you not only in an emergency, but also when you are momentarily lost or to keep in touch with the home front. 2. Money With no coffee stop [...]

Tour Review: The Tour of Flanders Cyclo

Last Saturday (5 April 2014), Marten cycled the Tour of Flanders tour. A day with fantastic weather over legendary cobbled lanes, hills and a hill with cobblestones, in one of the most beautiful regions of Western Europe. Cycling on cobblestones In the flat and well-organised Netherlands, we paved all the cobbled lanes long before I was born. Everything [...]